August 9, 2011

First day of public school

My first day of school at Lenguas Vivas Juan Ramón Fernández, a public school in Buenos Aires, started in typical Argentinean fashion - half an hour late! My teacher is a sweetheart, and when she explained she was tied up with administrative duties on the first day of school, for once, I was neither surprised nor upset.

I take my new-found calm as a sign that I'm acclimating. Two and a half months after moving to Argentina, I've finally reached the point where jaw-dropping tardiness, and people's laissez-faire attitude about it, doesn't infuriate me, but rather amuses me.

For all that I poke fun at Argentinean ways of life (all in good humor), the country has obvious merits for which I feel justifiably smug about intuiting before coming here. Apart from the world's best beef and ice cream, free Spanish classes taught by top-notch public school teachers is no laughing matter, for which I am grateful to take advantage of during my year of no gainful employment.

The view from my classroom at Lenguas Vivas


  1. That's so amazing, you are getting accustomed to a more relaxed way of life where they enjoy the vital things(beef and icecream ;) ) and the free Spanish lessons are awesome to boot!!!

  2. Why do they have the world's best ice cream?

  3. @Michella: Good question! You made me realize I stated it as a fact without elaboration.

    To start, think Italian ice cream - there's a huge Italian population here so it's the Italian influence. But in Italy I never saw so many flavors. A typical ice cream parlor would have 2-3 dozen flavors, not one chocolate flavor but 5 or 6, same for dulce de leche (similar to caramel), and fruit flavors (my favorite) that you don't normally see: passion fruit, melon, Malbec and berries, banana, peach, orange, etc.

    I'm pretty discerning when it comes to ice ream because I used to live in New Zealand, where the dairy products and ice cream are top notch. It does some good flavors, but it's not nearly as good at variety and gelato.

    A related post:
